Why ThinkActive
Our team have worked with sensors and devices for almost 10 years within industry and academia. Throughout our many data collection projects over this time we have constructed a range of toolsets, platforms and services to collect this data for analysis and presentation.
This led us to the realisation that tooling for distributed data collection and analysis is not mature. Tooling was either too specific to certain brands or devices or use-cases. We needed a tool that was a generalised data capture service which was king with timeseries data gathering from distributed devices.
We sought to build a service which started from the requirement of needing to capture datasets from deployed devices with remote data collection and monitoring as first-class features. Emboldened by the growing OpenHardware projects rising within Open Source communities we have sought to provide sync adapters and libraries to enable device agnostic sensor data collection. Developing cross-platform customizable iOS and Android sync clients and producing cross-platform tooling for integration with any platforms our customers needs.
ThinkActive is a continually evolving product with our clients needs placed at the forefront of our considerations for feature work. We provide our services to commercial entites, research teams and charities. Working to enable data rich decision making and insights for our customers.